Wednesday, September 1, 2010

power chains!!!!!

This month was a month of great expectation since i got the power chains in i was really excited to see my gap close but sadly it didn't i got 2 power chains on. 1 connecting from me incisor teeth to my right canine and the other form my left canine to my 1st left molar to close that extraction gap and to make space for the shark teeth i got in the back there. i also got a spring put in on the bottom to get sum space for the empacted teeth at the bottom not much was done on my bottom teeth but that. The space infront my teeth really closed up but not all the way i was expecting that to happen but i guess this thing take time to long for my liking i got a black arch wire this time not sure wat thats about but i know i was flying out ah the country dat exact day i guess it had something to do with dat but i don't know and when i was back in trini my bracket broke off the same day the left canine where the power chain was connected so i went in on the next day to get that fixed that was kinda good cause first there was 4 lops on the chain and now there is 3 so alittle more movement was good for me in that extraction space i'm surprise dat my teeth aren't hurting me badly cuz i know when powerchains are on it hurt like mad but i'm just lucky my mum says. i try to keep my teeth as clean as possible so maybe dats why. I got in the red wasn't sure what to get but was supporting my country's colors lol it was nice only 22 months and 2 weeks to go

the spring making space